Rewards Club

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Welcome to our loyalty program! Joining Rewards Club unlocks access to member-only benefits, and membership is completely free. Register HERE.

Save on your reservation and take advantage of our other benefits


Membership levels

Give 5% earn 5%. Referral a friend and we will reward you with additional 5% discount. There are two levels of membership in Rewards Club:


All newly registered members. Discount of 5% on all accommodation, 10% discount in Suncani hvar hotels restaurants & bars, Free change to a higher category room*.


Additional 5% on all accommodation what is the total reward of 10% discount.

How to become a member?

Register The process is simple and fast. Immediately after registration, you receive an additional 5% discount on all accommodation

Read all the terms and conditions of the loyalty program HERE.

Read the most frequently asked questions HERE.

Save on your reservation and take advantage of our other benefits


Refer Your Friends & Get Rewarded!

Love your stay at our hotel? Share the experience with your friends and enjoy exclusive rewards! Invite your friends to book with us, and both of you will receive a special discount.

How It Works:

  1. Refer a Friend – Share your unique referral link with friends and family.
  2. Your Friend Books a Stay – When they book their first stay, they receive a 5% discount.
  3. You Get Rewarded – As a thank you, you'll also receive a 5% discount on your next stay.

Your Rewards:

Start Referring Today!

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Go to the "Refer & Earn" section.
  3. Share your referral link via email, social media, or text.
  4. Track your referrals and rewards in your dashboard.
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