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Sunčani Hvar Hotels will match that rate under the following conditions:

If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

- For the purpose of the Best Rate Guarantee, a competing web site is defined as a web site that is not owned by Sunčani Hvar Hotels

- Rooms on the other web site must be publicly available, viewable and bookable on the internet at the time of verification

- The lower rate found must be for the same hotel, same type of accommodations, for the exact same dates and for the same conditions

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Many of the summer destinations that we think of today as summer holiday spots began their lives in another century as winter retreats because of the obvious relative mildness of their climate.

Clearly you're hardly likely to get a sun tan, but by visiting out of season you can be sure of enjoying the best rates for air travel and hotel rooms.

And the weather isn't as bad as you might think.

We propose quite an interesting weekend itinerary to get you an idea of what you are missing by not visiting this enchanting island during off season.

After a relaxing night spent in your comfortable bed at the Spa Suite of Adriana hvar Spa Hotel you are a button away from your delicious and healthy breakfast. The elevator brings you at the ground floor where you are greeted by smiling and welcoming faces to the relaxing violet shades of the Val Marina breakfast lounge where you are free to dip your senses in your hot brewed coffee while overlooking the picturesque Hvar houses harmoniously scattered on Hvar hills. And there you are, ready for…



The Old Town. Begin with Hvar Cathedral overlooking St Stephan Square built between the 16th and 17th centuries. From here, walk south to the Franciscan monastery, this walled sanctuary centers on a Renaissance cloister. The museum is home to a magnificent 17th-century painting of the Last Supper.

Return to the main square and then climb steps to Hvar Napoleon Fortress with fantastic views of the harbor.

Have lunch at…

Restaurant Mizarola, a welcoming restaurant in the heart of Hvar’s Pjaca where you can have a fair platter of Dalmatian specialties such as octopus salad, prsut (prosciutto) and black risotto or a more formal break with a tasty pizza.

Spend the afternoon…

Pay a visit to Grapčeva Cave. The simplest way to reach it is by car from Jelsa to Humac and from there you can take a field path to the cave. The Grapčeva cave is the most significant prehistoric site in the Adriatic featuring the oldest depiction of a boat in Europe which was discovered on fragments of one piece of pottery. The cave is full of stalactites and stalagmites. Hint: Arrange your visit to the Grapčeva Cave with our dedicated Concierge Services, especially in winter time when the cave can be visited by appointment only.

Have dinner…

At the Top Lounge Bar of Adriana. Set in the rooftop gardens of the Adriana Hvar Spa Hotel, it is one of Hvar's favourite easy and casual gourmet hangouts, and most importantly do not forget to try the selection of premium Croatian wines.


There is another side to Hvar, which is peaceful and intimate…

After yet another of your island breakfast discoveries; as the famous carob cake; you are ready and set to explore the islands inland. Away from the much-ballyhooed coastline, inland Hvar has a wealth to offer the tourist. Age-old villages sit atop panoramic hilltops, surrounded by picturesque dry stone walls and quiet stone villages. Your journey will begin by being picked up in a comfortable safari jeep vehicle at a location of your choice and you will be on your way to meet the winemaker whose wines have been called a benchmark for the future millennium by the respected wine magazine ‘La Revue du vin de France”.

Yes you are right, we are talking Duboković wines. The outside world is suspended, as you step down into this “konoba”, piled high with barrels and casks on all sides. This is a working winery, where it all happens. After a tour of the cellars and production facilities, you’ll be invited to participate in a 4 course tasting paired with local food delicacies. Here in Croatia, Dubokovic wines have become a ”must have” in the finest restaurants, hotels and specialized wine shops and now have the distinction of being the most expensive regular vintage wines in the country!

And then back to the hotel, indulge in a relaxing afternoon at the Sensori Spa premises, soothe away the cares of the world with a fabulous Mediterranean scents massage, designed to relax as well as thoroughly cleanse, exfoliate, revitalize, and hydrate the skin.

In the evening….

Crown the day honoring your tastebuds at Butchery and Wine Hvar ultimate steakhouse, one of probably Hvar’s most attractive venues, overlooking the city’s harbor and its enchanting evening lights. While the menu changes depending on the ingredients the chef buys at the farmers’ markets, one dish never leaves the menu -- and with good reason. The Kobe Rib Eye the queen of meats and the meat of kings.

To round up the experience let the chef surpise you with some sugar happiness washed down with now well acquainted glasses of Croatian wine.

What could be better than fine wine, gourmet food, historically rich tours and head to toe pampering?

- Well you are the one who decides

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