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If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

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For the very first time ever Sunčani Hvar together with Run Croatia brought you one of the most memorable races this spring, Hvar Wine Run that took place last weekend on island Hvar.

The race brought together runners from 7 different countries around the world, who ran this one of a kind race on sunny Hvar. After the race we managed to speak to Paige Martin from the USA, the winner in the female category with a fantastic time of 1:01:08 who came to island Hvar especially for her honeymoon with her husband Ryan.

This is what she had to say about the race and her time on Hvar.

Why did you choose Hvar as your honeymoon destination?

We had seen photos online and heard great things. It was even more beautiful than we expected!

Where did you find out for Hvar Wine Run?

My husband Ryan ran into Iva Hafner on the promenade the morning of Hvar Wine Run and she was so pleasant and excited for the race, we just couldn’t pass it up!

Do you do cross country running back home in the USA or any other type of sport?

We love to get outside! We both run and snowboard. Ryan is an avid road biker and I am a dedicated yoga practitioner.

Did you find Hvar Wine Run challenging? What parts were the hardest?

Very! It was an awesome but challenging course. The initial climb was the most difficult portion, but well worth the reward of running along the water to the finish line.

Hvar Wine Run was all about the experience… what was the best and most beautiful part for you?

Aside from the views of the beautiful countryside, celebrating with all the locals and #RunCroatia team at the finish line and the after party at hotel Riva!

Did you drink Zlatan Otok Wine on the way :) ?

Ryan did, by mistake! (however, it was delicious). I stuck to coconut water. We consumed our fair share after the race :)

Would you come back to Hvar once again and take part in Hvar Wine Run or a similar kind of race?

YES!! We have already talked about planning another trip and would love to participate in another race.

Photo: HWR Run Croatia (Paige and Ryan)

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