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The 3rd International Hvar Half Marathon took place last Saturday, August 24th, along the old Napoleon road from Stari Grad to Hvar town. The finishing line was on Hvar Town's stunning square, the largest in Dalmatia at 4,700 square meters.
There were 147 entrants in all, from an impressive 22 countries, but it was the domestic runners who ran away with all the accolades, achieving a clean sweep in both the men's and women's race, according to the official results posted on the race’s website. The best result for men was 1:17:24 (Zoran Žilić from Koprivnica) and for women 1:28:45 (Marija Vrajić from Zagreb).
Our Sunčani team was represented by our HR director, Branimir Blajić and our Director of Operations, Ivan Safundžić. We can’t be more proud of Ivan and Branimir who demonstrated a sunsational sport spirit and endurance! This was Branimir’s second time running Hvar Half Marathon and Ivan’s first.

Here is what they said after the big race.

How do you feel now after the race?
: As it is one of the toughest half marathons in Croatia, I am very proud of finishing it for the second time. ('Like Sponge Bob' was his first answer :)
I: I could do another one :)

Are you satisfied with your result at Hvar Half Marathon?
B: Could be better for my age rang, but the result is better than last year, so I guess I am improving my techniques and endurance. All turtles are proud of me!
I: Absolutely. My goal was to get to the end and to run all the way. I did it.

How long have you been preparing for Hvar Half Marathon?
B: I am training every day as part of my lifestyle, but I have been training for a month for this race specifically, as a part of my day to day sports routines.
I: For the last few months.

Which was the hardest part of the route?
B: The hardest part was just when I finished the big 9 km climb to the top of the hill, and then realised that there is still 3 more km of rise until downhill part… As it was very hot during the first hour of the race, I’ve lost a lot of energy getting to the top, but all in all, the entire race was beautiful.
I: Last 5 km.

What do you think about when you run?
B: During the first part of the race I always think about tactics on how to finish it more efficiently, but as the race continues I really stop thinking about something specific and just enjoy the scenery.
I: Why I do this to myself, and that I will never do it again.

Is there something special about running half marathon on Hvar?

B: The race is special by itself and uniquely contradictory: most beautiful and most exhausting. I will come back definitely!
I: Beautiful landscaping and running into the sunset. And first 13 km uphill!

Check our photo album on Facebook.

The route, deemed by many participants as one of the most beautiful in the world, with its stunning sea views of the Adriatic from both sides of the road is one of several initiatives to expand the tourism potential of Hvar, which was put on a 14th place of 46 places to visit in 2013 by The New York Times.

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