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If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

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This winter the team comes to Hvar for their final training camp before the next season, which is a fantastic way to wrap up the year. The key goal of the training camp is to strengthen the team, welcome new members and put those finishing details on the 2018 strategy.

Bahrain Merida Pro Cycling Team will be staying at Pharos, hvar bayhill hotel which will significantly boost tourism for around a thousand overnight stays in December. Moreover, the cycling trails on the island are perfect for this stage of the team’s preparation. The first ever millennial hotel in this area, branded as a bike hotel also offers top conditions for the athletes with a fantastic atmosphere for relaxing and socializing after a day of training.

Island Hvar is not only a destination for sea and sun, but also offers countless possibilities for different winter sports and activities such as sailing, hiking, free climbing and biking all paired with incredible nature, picturesque landscapes and stunning bays with crystal clear sea.


The choice wasn’t random. Pharos is equipped with a bike room, repair equipment and offers complete support and vibe for active holidays! The entire Bahrain team will reside at the hotel, not only their cyclists but also their top management and medical team. This will ensure full support to the cyclists and to make sure that everything goes according to plan. Their 72-member cycling team has a total of 14 nations, including 6 Croatians. The team chose Hvar as their destination for the winter camp because of the conditions needed for quality training. In addition, Hvar received overall excellent marks in all of their inspections, as previously explained by Miholjević, a world successful and celebrated Croatian cyclist, who is the sports director and coach of the Bahrain team.

Moreover, the national and international interest for the visit of Bahrain Merida Pro Cycling Team brings forth a number of journalists from all around the world who will take this opportunity to interview and meet with the cyclists who will share their experience of their overall stay and training experience on the island.

Sunčani Hvar hotels whole heartedly welcome the team and its members to hotel Pharos and are pleased that the team will have the opportunity to have their training camp on the one of the most exciting islands in the Adriatic and a possibility to explore some of the most beautiful island biking trails. There is no better way to wrap up the season!

Suggested Packages

Biking Package: Book your holiday in Hvar.

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