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If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

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As we turn our backs on winter, we slowly start welcoming warmer weather and more beautiful sunny days. The feeling of spring is instantly here when we can take off our coats during our late morning coffees.

Not only is the Easter period in Hvar one of the most beautiful times of the year, but also a time that many tourists specifically choose because of all the different activities and cultural happenings on the island.

Firstly, with four UNESCO heritages specific to island Hvar, the procession “Za Križen” or “Following the Cross” is definitely one of the most specific intangible UNESCO cultural heritages to date. This unique tradition holds a deep spiritual connection with the island population, dating back to the 16th century. It takes place through the night on Maundy Thursday, passing through Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska. Each of the six groups start at their church and follow the course in a clockwise direction, making the groups never meet. The group is led by one cross-bearer, while other members are dressed in white tunics.

Another very interesting Easter procession held on island Hvar is called Through God’s Graves, held on Good Friday. Fraternities from St. Cross and St. Nicolas, one dressed in black tunics, the other in white, begin their procession in different churches. They later come together in the old Venetian square or Pjaca to sing the ancient melody Popule Meus in front the St. Stephens Cathedral.

Secondly, your pre-Easter can be activity-packed from the very start of April, as Ötillö Swimrun World Series is coming to the city of Hvar so be sure to book your Easter holiday in Croatia ASAP. Even if you are not participating, be sure to cheer on the competitors as they swim and run their very hardest!

Thirdly, be sure to seek different activity packed experiences, from cycling to rock climbing and sailing, Hvar is considered one of the top spots for recreational activities. Don’t worry you won’t miss a thing, especially if you want to avoid all that summer commotion and heat.

Fourthly, the Easter Regatta in Hvar warmly welcomes its participants, as it does each year! A lot of sport, great sailing and fair play among the competitors await us this year! Don’t forget the live entertainment and a lot of unforgettable moments due to which faithful participants and spectators return every year to the Hvar Easter Regatta.

So pack your bags and choose Easter in Hvar, because amongst all the mesmerizing smells of lavender, fresh air and beautiful Hvar beaches you will find your remedy. Either active or cultural, book you holiday in Croatia in hotel Adriana and avoid those summer crowds in the island of Hvar.

Experience Hvar in the most unlikely period and see the other side of Hvar; the Hvar that is full of cultural happenings and activities!

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