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Best rate guarantee

Sunčani Hvar Hotels will match that rate under the following conditions:

If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

- For the purpose of the Best Rate Guarantee, a competing web site is defined as a web site that is not owned by Sunčani Hvar Hotels

- Rooms on the other web site must be publicly available, viewable and bookable on the internet at the time of verification

- The lower rate found must be for the same hotel, same type of accommodations, for the exact same dates and for the same conditions

- Not valid for marketing affiliates.

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With the season already full-blown, we welcome a selection of Croatian contemporary dance performances and choreographic films that are set for throughout the summer season. Evening dance-on-the-screen projections in the areas of Hvar Loggia and the open-air cinema of Veneranda will surely take your breath away!

Adriatic Dance House continues its activities in 2017 by developing dance practices in the context of insular phenomenology and in collaboration with 'Island Movement' Croatia, in an effort to contribute to the cultural development of dislocated artistic communities and the sustainable development of Croatian islands.

We are happy to support such a unique program and promote the Croatian contemporary dance scene. The emphasis is given to revitalize the old town of Hvar and give way to the cultural progress of the artistic tradition of Hvar and Croatia in general. We successfully continue collaboration with Adriatic Dance House for two consecutive years, bringing together locals and tourists of the city of Hvar.

On June 10th Adriatic Dance House introduces BOTANICS that will take place in the Loggia. It is the exploration of a new ballet movement and the 'charismatic image' issue, the trail of digital dance philosophy.

We can see Botanics as spaces, fairies, nymphs, dreams, tales, woods, gardens... Entering into the world of Botanics we are still faced with the artifacts of the present but experienced in a neo-romantic and exciting way. It is the preservation of different dance forms suggesting deliberate exploitation of the theater, dance, digital and pop culture achievements potential.

Adriatic Dance House will continue with its program throughout the summer fulfilling the lives of locals and tourists with new inspiring content and social events. The aim of is to fully enrich the island with modern Croatian art.

See you all there!

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