Official website
Official website
As one of the leaders in quality and innovation in the Croatian hotel industry, Suncani Hvar bases its success on highly motivated and productive human resources. The campaign "Looking for a job - Find a career!" was launched in early 2014, and is based on a year-round program and initiative of Suncani Hvar HR department, which follows the philosophy of continuous investment in employee education and training.
Up to now the campaign established new programs of employee training as well as the formation of a education plan, in order to expand the core Company hospitality values, knowledge and skills in line with the leading trends in the hotel business, internet marketing and new technologies in the hotel industry.
Such a strategy of human resources stems from the Company's focus on sustainable development, and to significantly invest in the development and training not only of permanent, but also of young seasonal workers with open possibilities of permanent employment. Following the campaign program, a group of thirty permanent as well as seasonal Suncani Hvar employees will travel for vocational training in the European cities of Prague, Warsaw and Milan at the end of November while at the same time the first round of recruitment of new seasonal employees will start.
More than 600 seasonal workers are to be selected and recruited for the next season, which is almost a hundred seasonal workers more than this year, the first job offers will start arriving in December 2015.
All job offers besides the compensation part include intensive training, food and accommodation at a hotel which is intended solely to accommodate seasonal workers. All Suncani Hvar employees are as well eligible to additional benefits through a developed transparent policy of recognition and incentives.
In accordance with the volume of work expected, the employment of the largest number of seasonal employees is expected by the end of April, and the duration of the contract is estimated to cease by the end of October. Due to the significant revenue growth of food and beverage in the a la carte and banquet segments, a special emphasis is put on recruiting staff with extensive experience in leading restaurants and bars as well as hotel companies linked to similar exclusive tourist destinations.
Although this campaign is based on the intensive use of online platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Skype and the official website of the Company, Open days in major Croatian cities and word of mouth recommendations are still the most important means of selection and recruitment of motivated, innovative and experienced individuals, which the Company is planning to retain in the coming years.
"The ultimate goal and the guiding principle of the campaign is to provide all employees the opportunity of training, learning and development in line with their interests and skills so their experience in Suncani Hvar can be a platform for a successful long-term career." - said Blazenka Tomicic, Suncani Hvar Director of human resources.
If you are interested in applying for employment with Suncani Hvar please contact our Human Resources department at [email protected] or 021 750 013.